Friday, February 29, 2008

God's Blessed

Well, this past month has been a very rough month for me. This past week, I got the flu. And, it's still lingering with me. Right now, my throat is about twice the size it should be because of swollen glands...not fun, not fun at all. But, despite everything, I still keep pluggin along...barely, but i'm hanging on.

Work. Thats pretty much all I do. And, I can't complain because I love it. It keeps me sane...and makes me insane, all at the same time. As I reflect on this past week, I am amazed at the little things that God brings to my life that reminds me of the simplicity, love, and unselfishness of people in poverty. A few weeks ago, we were asked, are the poor really God's blessed? Are they his favored? In Matthew and Luke...Jesus says, blessed are the poor in spirit and blessed are the poor. He also says, "whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me. Are the poor really more blessed than the rich? For it is said that it is extremely hard for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. In Revelation, it says a rich man thinks he has need of nothing...therefore he doesn't need God. So, again, are the poor God's blessed? What can I, as a woman of God...and someone who as little as I make, is still not considered, POOR, by most's standards, what can I take or learn from the poor? I have asked myself this over the past two weeks....I have watched my kids and see things that astound me...surprise me...and totally humble me.

Let me start with an obvious one. My kids live very simplistically. They are satisfied with whatever they are given. Honestly...they are. Here is an example of something that just really warmed my heart a few days ago. I was sitting in my usual spot at the beginning of the a chair in the Computer Lab. Kevon, a 3rd grade boy, came in grinning as always and said hi to me. We talked for a minute or so then he said, DO YOU WANT TO SEE WHAT I BROUGHT FOR SHOW AND TELL TODAY???? He seemed so genuinely excited...I said yes, and acted like I really wanted to see what it was. He came back in a few minutes later....with 4 beat up matchbox cars. He was like, aren't they so cool? I, of course, acted like it was the coolest thing ever, and well, it was a great moment. As I sat there, I thought, he really really thinks I want to know and want to see this stuff. And, I did. Because it mattered to him, so it mattered to me. And the matchbox cars weren't really that cool...they looked pretty old, but they were special to him...and he was going to show them awesome.

Another thing that amazes me about these kids is how unselfish they are. They really are. I see it everyday. See, the kids go to the corner store before coming to the center everyday. And, they buy 2 or 3 bags of chips (the little bags most of the time), usually a pop, and sometimes some candy. And they come in...and they share. And they also get candy once a week for city of the week and they get candy for bringing stuff back a lot and stuff. Yesterday, Zyliek had brought a paper back signed, so he got himself some M&Ms. First thing he does? He asks me if I want some. I said, no thanks. And I sat there and watched him. A few minutes later Devin walks in. He says...I want some! Without even BLINKING, Zyliek pours some into his cupped hands. I smiled...and I thought about a few weeks ago. When Naima was given Reces peanut butter cups for making honor roll. She grabbed them, walked over to her brother...without being asked...and handed him one of the two cups and then went and sat down. Seth walked over to her and said, Naima, you don't have to give your brother any of earned it fair and square. She looked up at Seth with this look of amazement and said, "but their his favorites." Then looked back down and started eating hers. Unselfishness....what a thing we can all learn from. I know I can.

Finally, another thing I'm learning from these kids is love. Yes, one thing they are really bad at is they like to make fun of each other...and we try so hard to teach them about being nice to each other and saying kind words. But, at the same time they are so loving to each other and us. Again, I have been sick and I missed work on Monday. I came in on Tuesday, not feeling too well but I knew I didn't want to miss another day. I promise you, almost every single kid in the center asked me how I was feeling. The ones i'm closest to came in, SHASTA!!! Ran over and tried to give me a hug (which I shyed away from since I was still pretty sick)...and immediately asked me how I was. And it was an honest question. How are you? Are you still sick? Why don't you go home? These kids, they cared. They, in their own ways, were loving me. I felt liked they cared more than my co-workers! Lol And everyday, they have asked me how I was feeling. Not only do they love that way, but I see it in the way they treat their brothers and sisters. Yeah, sometimes they argue with them...but they genuinely care for them and take care of them. Most are pretty much raising their younger siblings, so you just see this motherly instinct with them. And the boys...I see Devin wait everyday for his younger sister before he comes to the center...I see Boozie walk in and immediately go give his younger bro a hug cuz he hasn't seen him all day. I see the love they have for their family members. And, it humbles me. It shows me the love we are supposed to have for each "agape" love. Something that isn't conditional...but something that no matter love them.

There are a million other things that make me realize that in some ways...we can learn so much from the poor. So much for youth...and so much from poor youth. Lol I realize that I learn more from them than I could ever teach them.

Finally, I am so grateful for the opprotunity to be a part of this ministry. Even if it will only be a year. Everyday, I am greeted by the sounds of laughter, the faces of smiling children, and the best hugs you can ever imagine. And, all the tears, all the tiredness, all the pain, and all the sickness I go through's all worth it the moment Elvalenna walks in...walks over to me, gives me a hug and hands me a picture that says "i love you" written in glitter and says..."here I made this for you." It's all worth it...It's all worth it.