72802 (Russellville, AR)
median income is 38,738
the unemployment rate is 2.4%
66.1% are married
82.5% have a high school diploma
24.4% have a bachelors or higher
the white population is 94.3%
the black population is 1.7%
60624 (Chicago-East Garfield Park,my neighborhood)
median income is 22,426
the unemployment rate is 11.6%
25.1% are married
59.2% have a high school diploma
6% have a bachelors or higher
the white population is 0.7%
the black population is 97.6%
21014 (Bel Air)
median income is 82,528
the unemployment rate is 1.7%
55.4% are married
97.4% have a high school diploma
63.4% have a bachelors or higher
the white population is 90.6%
the black population is 0.5%
38105 (one of the worst areas in Memphis)
median income is 10,974
the unemployment rate is 9.2%
20.1% are married
56.1% have a high school diploma
12.1% have a bachelors or higher
11.9% white
83.4% black
60644 (Chicago-Austin, where my friend Laura lives/works)
median income is 26,930
the unemployment rate is 10.4%
25.3% are married
60.7% have a high school diploma
7% have a bachelors or higher
2% white
94.8% black
68111 (Omaha, where my friend Misty works)
median income is 23,470
the unemployment rate is 7.5%
30.1% are married
71.6% have a high school diploma
7.4% have a bachelors or higher
21.2% are white
70.6% are black
75210 (Dallas, TX)
median income is 15,038
the unemployment rate is 10.1%
35.4% are married
42% have a high school diploma
3.1% have a bachelors or higher
.9% are white
80.9% are black
75230 (Dallas, TX)
median income is 51,702
the unemployment rate is 2.1%
52.2% are married
93.1% have a high school diploma
55.7% have a bachelors or higher
78.6% white
5.9% black
As you can see, unfortuantely, East Garfield has the highest unemployment rate. Also, when looking at how our neighborhood compares with our neighboring zipcodes, we have the highest poverty rate and lowest median income than any other surrounding neighborhood in Chicago. There is also this cool thing where you can pick up to 20 different zipcodes around the US and compare them to your zipcode. So, I picked anywhere from Bradenton FL to Atlanta to Omaha to Bartelsville, OK and everywhere in between. Alas, our neighborhood still had the highest poverty rate.
It may also be interesting to note that East Garfield Park has the highest concentration of African Americans than any other zipcode I compared.
Okay...I think thats enough. Now, as you look through these...what do you see as a common thread between the higher income/lower unemployment rate vs. lower income/higher unemployment rate? Seriously...what similarity do u see?
(these demographics were found at zipskinny.com)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
ZipSkinny-Info about our Zip Codes
Posted by Shasta Brooke at 12:23 PM
Labels: demographics, poverty, zip codes
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Time for a new update. I keep checking back and you still have the same blog. I know you have been sick so you are excused for a little while longer......ha! Luv ya
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